LawnWorks: Early Spring Application

About Your Early Spring Application

Q. Do I need to water it in immediately?

A. No. Unless we tell you otherwise, we recommend that you wait for the next rainfall. It will not hurt the grass or the application to wait until then. Rain immediately after the application will only benefit your lawn by moving the pre-emergent into the soil.

Q. Will this application get rid of the weeds in my yard?

A. No. This application contains a PRE-EMERGENT crabgrass control. Existing weeds will not be effected by it. In fact, the fertilizer will cause the weeds to grow faster, making them easier to kill with the regular LATE SPRING Application scheduled in 6-8 weeks.

Q. When can I rake my lawn?

A. Once your application has been watered in, it's O.K. to rake your lawn. BUT, only rake lightly. If you disturb the soil, you could disrupt the pre-emergent barrier and cause a crabgrass infestation. It is best to use your mower with the bag attached to pick up any debris that accumulated over the winter.

Q. When can I seed my lawn?

A. The optimal time of year to seed is September, but if you want to seed now, you must thoroughly loosen the soil to break the pre-emergent barrier so the seed can germinate. This will, however, greatly increase the risk of crabgrass development as well.

Q. How long must we keep off the grass?

A. Please minimize human and pet traffic for 24 hours. You and your pets can walk on the lawn, but avoid prolonged exposure until tomorrow. Once the application has been watered, all material is safely in the soil.